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It's been 2 weeks since the Patreon exclusive release of the new demo. It is now time for the demo to be available to everyone!

There will be some posts in the next few days about the monstergirl poll, and more.



12 01 2020: small update, fixed a few small bugs, added a color mixing guide in Vuu's house, added "?" signs.

15 01 2020: Fixed a few more bugs, made some puzzles easier to understand, added more "?" signs, added game close confimation, added autofire (space key + right click)

19 01 2020: More bug fixes, Improved puzzle graphics. 

21 01 2020: More bug fixes, added the ability to hold down the mouse wheel to discard/sell/store/take items even faster, added the ability to move using the arrow keys, added a setting allowing to move by clicking the arrows once instead of twice, made it so mana shards are always behind items, removed debug functions.  

27 01 2020: Small bug fixes, Vuu now says the color of the clicked mana pellet/mana shard, made the shapes slightly easier to see in normal fights. 

03 02 2020: Small bug fixes, Slightly improved map sprites.  

10 03 2020: Small "?" signs dialogue changes, new "?" sign in Vuu's house, made the single click movement mode the default one, slightly improved the cursor, changed the required items for the last amplification, Twitter link in opening screen, included a save file with mostly discovered map, discovered recipes (not completed), necessary items, cleared mana shard puzzles

19 03 2020:  

- Fixed a bug where shards in your possession didn't matter in alchemy mode

- Fixed a bug where synthesizing multiple items only consummed the shard equivalent of 1 item

- Fixed solved recipes crown not showing correctly in the almanach

- The included save file seemed not to work for several people, so I uploaded a cheat version of the demo in which you get access to all recipes, can synthesize anything wether you have the ingredients or not, can amplify Vuu and Rose up to rank 5 right away.

 11 07 2020:
- Fixed various bugs
- Added mouseless mode: Anything that requires the mouse wheel (rotating the heart cursor and various grabbed items) can be done by using WASD (or ZQSD). "F" can be used instead of right clicking, and left shift instead of clicking the mouse wheel. 

 20 08 2020:
- Fixed a game crashing bug in training mode.  


Commander Riker

Excited for you, congratulations! Does this version have substantial changes compared to the Patreon exclusive release?


I might just be dumb but I'm stuck on the colors change lmao, only got them all green but that gives you a chest and not the way ahead


Thanks! There are a few changes but nothing crazy: some small bugs fixes, more info in the Spellcard, Alchemy and Amplification menus, and fewer ingredients are needed to clear the recipes.


I really need to find a better way to explain these puzzles. The small roses on the wall indicate which color does something if you fill all the slots with said color. In that room, all yellow, all green and all cyan are three possible solutions, and all yellow is the way out.


Are you going to post this on F95zone.com? That's where I first found it, and its a big community. I can post it if you don't want to


I just found out about it earlier actually, I was planning to look into it tomorrow since I'll be going to bed in a minute, but if you want to post about it there (or anywhere else) then by all means go ahead! Advertising is by far my greatest weakness, so I'd really appreciate it! :D


Well i come here for lewd game and find a gem. i was positively suprised with combat sytem cuz at the first look you expect classic 3 in row. It's very well made but still need some balance (like pyramid artifact's you can litteraly spam them after first charge). well done puzzle (good job with notes they are very usefull) but with harder color puzzles you would need some kinda item that work like cheet sheet, i mean book or other thing that show you CMYK palette to know what colour you should mix. lot of things is hidden very well. But still you made good hint's with dialogues or environment. I still don't find this grey bowl from 3 slot totem ( or whatever is this) and these door's at south, it possible to open them ? or i miss something? To be honest your game is pretty good as a game.( i know it sounds weird) If it was on steam or like that platfrom i would buy it for how nice it's done. Well i hope you don't give up and one day you will make full version.


Hey thanks! Yeah the symbols are completely overpowered for demo's sake, they won't be as accessible in the final game. Having a cheat sheet for the color mixing is a good idea, I'll probably dedicate a room to this at some point. If you're talking about the grey bowl shown in the room to the left of the storage room, it's a drop from mud elementals, found in Sablee Ocean 1F. Thanks again, Steam is definitely on the TO DO list. There's no chance I'm giving up, so no worries here! :D


The joys of late night forum browsing. Came across your game and came in expecting some simple puzzle game with BE as a reward, but an hour and a half (or so? Time flies) later I realised that I was loving the game itself and completely forgot the BE element it has. The game is just overflowingly oozing with charm, and it has such a fun atmosphere and the music, despite there being just a couple tracks for now, are really catchy. It's clear there's a lot of love poured into this, and it shows. I've yet to actually come across any of the promised BE content, but that's okay, the fights themselves are really fun. I'll be dropping a $10 every month! Excited to see what you have in store for the future!


I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see people enjoying the gameplay and atmosphere! Thank you so much! :D The BE does take a little bit of work, you will have to find power orbs and use the big red crystal in the town's main place. I'll keep trying my best!


there are so many things im confused about and unsure what to do. i got the armband for the island but then what? i couldnt place anything anywhere. id plie to play more but im very lost


The armband shown on the island is the night armband, one of the 3 items hinted at on purple totems, found above water. You have to insert the correct items in the correct slots in the empty purple totem, east of town. One of the hint totems is found in the cave south of town which is a bit tricky to open: you'll need to use one of the mechanics explained in the 'How to play' sign in front of Vuu's house.

Zoey Kazuya

finally, a person who loves BE that wants to make a polished game with addictive gameplay... count me the heck in

Ahzi Dahaka

If you go to the ocean you'll inevitably find an item that's, well, exactly the kind of thing you need to build a sand castle from.


Absolutely loved the demo! Still trying to figure out some of the puzzles but I am driven to get to that rank 5!

Ahzi Dahaka

I've done pretty much everything in the beta now, including all the alchemy recipes, but for some reasons imps just plain refuse to give up their second item drop. I don't know if I'm just really unlucky or what, but it's literally the one thing I don't have.


Weird, I think that's unlucky but I'll check and confirm just in case.


Any hints on the two puzzles after the nightmare boss? The one with the 4 buttons in one room with a different shell above each and the one with a bunch of different seashells on the ceiling with a turtle below.

Yosua Krisnando Bagaskara

In edit 4, you wrote "removed debug functions". What was the debug functions?


I think it's gonna be better if you mark updates by date rather than "edit4" etc. and maybe put them somewhere in one place to just link them (like google drive or deviantart stash) so you don't need to edit it on every site.


The 4 buttons have to be pressed in the correct order, and the shell next to each one is a hint for figuring it out. Clearing that puzzle will reveal a hint for the turtle puzzle, in which you have to click each shell in the correct order.


You used to be able to trigger different emotions by pressing numbers on the numpad.


Oh yeah you're right, I'll add the dates real quick. Having a single linkable page for downloads does sound useful, but the 3 sites I upload the game to (Patreon, itch.io, F95) kind of require you to do it separately... It's not that much of a problem though, so it's okay.

Brandon Peirce

Couldn't figure out how to get into the cave south of town for a while but I found a pseudo open that doesn't actually let me in during my frustration. Pressing Spacebar at the screen will lower the door but the cursor stays red. Might be a bug. Repeatable after transitioning away from and back to the screen.


Aaah damn that's yet another debug thing I forgot to remove, thanks for pointing it out! You need to use one of the UI buttons at the bottom of the screen to open it normally.


And I was convinced there were no bugs left too... Thanks again! I'll look into it. Do you remember if you used the mouse wheel click when it crashed?

That New Shoe Smell

Excellent game so far! Easily one of the most professional BE games I've ever played. The only snag I've come across so far is when you fall down the pit into the lower level of the ocean cave, I can't for the life of me figure out how to get out. The staircase leads up to that puzzle room, but the doorway that's shown on the map is redlined and won't let me go through. What am I missing?


Thank you! You'll need to solve that puzzle with full yellow shards to leave. Just make sure not to mix yellow and cyan! Another option is to give up after a lost fight, but you'll lose the EXP for your characters' current level.

That New Shoe Smell

Another question, is it possible to get Nightmare to appear again after you defeat her? I didn't her to drop anything the first time around.


It is! There is a button to respawn all bosses at the end of the dungeon.

That New Shoe Smell

Well, after much searching, I officially cannot find the Paint spell and the Tea Plate. Could I please bother you for a hint?


Sure! Paint is hidden one of the rooms of the big square area in B1F, and the Tea Plate is in one of the rooms on the second row of Ocean 1F, starting from the bottom.


Have you considered adding a NPC whos sells rarer items at a high price? I ask because trying to grind to get certain items like comfy arm bands and fire orbs turns into a real chore.


I have actually, yes! I'm thinking of having that NPC be a random encounter that sells different items depending on the area you find her in. Although I've also implemented a mechanic that makes grinding easier for the next demo. In the victory screen after a fight, you'll have the option to redo the fight with another character in your party, which guarantees 1 more item dropped if you win again. Finding the right monster + them actually dropping the right item is definitely a bit of a pain in the current version, so this should help a lot!