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Hey! This one is going to be on the short side since I got busy with work, sorry about that.

First is something I don' think I ever mentionned, the soul capture. I already explained how the item drop in fights, but here is a quick recap:

By default, you will get 0 items at the end of a fight. There are 3 main ways to increase the number of droped items.

- get a 50 combo to increase it by 1.

- get a 100 combo to increase it by 1.

- get lucky when opening a chest in the grid to increase it by 1.

Only once the fight ends will you be able to see what items you got. However, souls are different: once a monster is defeated, there is a set chance that its soul will appear. If it does you can use a crystal, which you'll need to have in your inventory, to capture it. Once you do, the crystal is used and you can take the soul as an item to use it for alchemy!

Other than that, I spent a lot of time working on a dialogue system, and I'm very happy with it! Even if it was a bit tedious to do. Now characters can speak, the one speaking's name appears, you can skip the text writing animation by clicking... A bunch of things that you'd expect, but I still have to spend time on that stuff. There is important dialogue that gets you stuck in dialogue mode, and decoration dialogue, which is only there to look nice, like NPC speaking in a town or the like. While in dialogue mode, you can't click anything, clicking is used to progress the dialogue except if you click the UI, which still works, so you can access your inventory, your notes, and you can even leave the room while someone is talking, if you want to. I also made yes/no choices, and I am still working on character emotions. Finally, I improved the way you move from room to room, even though you as a player won't notice it.

I also realized how it may seem that I'm adding more and more mechanics at random, but everything is pretty much planned since a while back. So instead of showing with something you weren't expecting every 3 weeks, I feel it might be better if I give you a rough idea of what is left to do code wise, more or less in order:

- character emotions

- menus (The graphical resources for the menus (pre battle, almanach, character select, storage, shop, alchemy, rank up, map) are ready, but I still need to implement them.)

- room to room transitions

- mode to mode transitions (e.g. battle -> exploration)

- cursor improvements

- alchemy mode

- save system

- title screen

- room editor

- a bunch of smaller fixes

That's all I can think of at the moment. This list is waaaaaay smaller compared to when I began coding again a few months back, I should probably have done that sooner, but now you know what's left for me to do, as far as code is concerned. After that I still have to draw a lot of things (chibis, items, decorations, characters...) and create at least one dungeon for the demo. Maybe more, but I don't know yet, we'll see when we get there! :)

And that's it for now!

See you! :D


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