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A lot of new stuff this time, most of it battle related!
I'll have a full changelog soon in the next devlog as always ^^

Download link

Mirror 1 (Gofile)

If the download freezes, try refreshing the page! If that still doesn't work, tell me about it. If I get enough reports of the download not working, I'll look into uploading the game in multiple smaller parts.

Saves are not transferrable from the previous build to this new one!

Also, I'll be leaving the previous version up for some time from now on, just in case you want to check it out/are afraid to find new bugs in the new one (I always do my best to remove them all, but it's a possibility!)

Edit 1: Opening a bookmarked page for about 2 seconds crashed the game. This has been fixed! The download link has been updated.

Edit 2: A bug that would crash the game almost instantly in Shape figts has been fixed. The overkill requirement has been changed from -30% HP to -25% HP. You can keep playing with your save!
The download link has been updated and a mirror link has been added, in case Mega acts silly.

Edit 3: Another bug fix, this time linked to the Swatter Heartpower being used in Shape fights. Download links have been updated, you can keep playing with your save!
Sorry about all the notifications...



Immediately noticed that opening the Color Chart causes a fatal error and crashes the game xD Wasn't an issue in v7 so wondering what could've happened for it be doing that now


Aw shoot, sure enough, it does. Thank you for telling me, I'll fix that ASAP!

Leo Archon

Didn't happen to me, but there are reports on the Discord of clicking on a defeated Shape's core crashing the game.



Michael Maris

how do you use debug mode?


left shift + enter + f2, you'll hear a chime when it turns on. Play the game as normal, save the game after getting Rose as a precaution. Get to the cutscene where the book is being attacked by shapes. Press f12 and you'll be sent to a black room. Use the scroll wheel on the first scarecrow to change the number to 24, then click on it. This will skip the fight and start the cutscene after it. While debug mode is on, press left ctrl to be able to walk past shape fights (and locked doors), as those may also crash the game. I can't guarantee that the game will play out normally if you decide to do this, but it's a temporary fix.


As much as I love these updates having to restart the game over and over is a little frustrating, looking forward are there plans for easily transferrable saves to new updates?


That's fair. To be completely honest, I would recommend using debug mode if you've already played the demo but still want to check out the updates! I sadly don't have much of a choice when it comes to save compatibility. A lot of changes are happening and even some of the simplest ones can render the saves incompatible. In this latest build for example, monster weaknesses and resistances are now discovered by testing spells in combat. Because of this, they need to be saved separately! This wasn't a thing before so using an old save wouldn't work as it would cause the game to crash when it looks for these new values. In fact, even adding a single new room somewhere would cause that same issue. This is unavoidable I'm afraid... I know some chose to wait for the public version instead, which is understandable.


Thanks for replying, I totally understand that there are technical limitations stopping this from happening, which is unfortunate but also just part of the price of getting to see stuff early. I've been having trouble accessing debug mode, can you give me a better idea of how to use it?


Pretty much yeah... Thank you for understanding ^^ Debug mode is toggled on/off by pressing Left shift + Enter + F2. You'll hear a sound effect if you do it correctly! You can find a list of everything that can be done once in debug mode here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/92141393


Sorry If I sounded like I was on a short fuse in that first message, I think I'm just really bad at puzzle type game XD. The game itself is amazing tho, characters/art/story. I think I just suck lol


No problem, it's definitely an odd gameplay combination and I know it can be overwhelming at first. It doesn't help that this is still a WIP too ^^ I'm glad you enjoy everything else enough to stick with it though, that means a lot! Thank you ^^


Now that I've fully beat the game, I can say it was amazing. Whoever the art is done by does an amazing job, even the mechanics are done well. For the cons, the beginning of the game is too difficult, the regular enemies and the boss fights, they're not enough access to good spells. The easiest enemies/boss were all in the dome, gravitar and kobold were the easiest enemies to defeat by far to me (personally). Nightmare only took me 2 tries whilst the other bosses took me 5 plus, I believe this may of been due to stats and spells not (skill). This isn't me saying the game is bad ofc, just giving feedback so the final product is even better. The other final thing I would recommend is a archive of all the witches growth stages, (this would be a nice touch). As for a personal recommendation that I think would be amazing. You should consider adding a couple girls who get a bit thiccer, something like an hourglass (expansion) maybe even muscle. I know myself and a lot of others would really like that. Even just a bit of hip and thigh expansion would be awesome. Overall, this game blew away my expectations, and you should absolutely be so proud with what you've created, I wish you the best and I hope the next major update is soon.


Thank you so much! The art was all me in that version, I appreciate it ^^ I've since been hiring several artists to help me with the characters, so I'm confident in saying the quality will only go up from now on! Thank you for the feedback as well! There's definitely space for some more balancing, but also for introducing mechanics better, and at a slower pace. That's something I'll aim for in a future version, for sure. Growth stages can be changed in the Spellcard menu, where you equip spells! That's what the + and - buttons are for, and that's one of many mechanics that still need to be made clearer. Some girls do get additional changes! Rose, Zombie, Kobold and Lamia all get hips/butt expansion for example. I wouldn't be against one or two characters getting more muscles, or even other types of changes! There's still a lot of work, but thank you once again! This means a lot ^^