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Hey everyone!

As 2023 draws to a close, I want to take a moment to reflect on the content I’ve created this year with and for you all. It's been a year of dates, adventures, awe-inspiring transformations, a few broken doorways, and stories that have taken our leading ladies to new heights—literally!

💫 2023 Was Quite A Year

For those of you who've been with me for all of 2023 (and longer for a lot of you), you've witnessed an amazing transformation — not just in the characters in our stories, but maybe even in the community. Your support has made this level of content possible. Every comment, every share, every bit of feedback has helped shape my little collection of universes or spur me on to make more!

📈 Stats and Highlights

Because I’m a total nerd I’ve gone through everything I’ve published this year and pulled together some stats. Spoiler alert: it's a fuck tone! From the number of comic pages, to the inches the girls have grown, you've been part of a prolific and thrilling creative process.

🙏 Thank You

Your support is seriously amazing. Whether you’re a long term supporter just recently joined, the enthusiasm and encouragement have been the fuel for this Rogue Nation of Amazons. I cannot thank you enough for your support, but hopefully the work I share with you all helps.

🌟 Looking Ahead to 2024

As we step into 2024, I promise to keep the excitement soaring. Expect more big ladies, more broken things, more animations, more everything.

Here's to a new year filled with growth, strength, and endless possibilities. Happy New Year, and thank you for being the heart of this journey!

Final Question

What has been your favourite RogueFMG moment from 2023?

With all my gratitude,


P.s. yes these stats include the as of right now, unpublished New Year’s Eve animation.




Hi Leah!


I am definitely biased, but I absolutely loved seeing Emma in "Passed Over - The Confession".