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Having just broken into a project briar lab, Valentina De Las Reinas, was reveling in the sensation of her recent growth and power she now possessed. After taking the experimental formula she couldn't help but notice some sort of totem glowing behind her... "Now this looks interesting" she said to herself.



Elek Szerep

Interesting, very interesting. I wonder what will she do with her new body 😛

Behold The Plasma Donut

Take over the world, with an army lead by a select group made up of her amazon-ified clique in some twisted attempt to recapture the glory days of highschool mean girl quendom


like to see this expanded..perhaps the beginning to end transformation?


Glad you like it Bob. I’m a bit full to take on a commission like that in the immediate future but if you want to DM me we can talk details and availability.