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In this months gold vote, you asked to see what Emma would look like if she took more pills. Well here you are.

Ever since that day… that night,,, that wild night - sleep has been a challenge. Every time I close my eyes I see her - Emma. Bursting into my apartment; taking even more pills. What would she become? What would she do to me?
Why did I do it? Why did I swipe that bottle? I thought I could use them to help people, maybe I still can? But what if… what if she finds me first.
- Guy




Hope this dream becomes reality if Passed over ever comes back


I have some ideas for it... but I am just finding it hard to fit it into all my universes :) I need infinite time Andrew!!!


It's still time for him to call the National Guard. :p


Emma looks so fucking good.. better, i mean! no, bigger the better, i mean! heh would love to see passed over come back.. how many pills did she take to end up that big we saw her last time though, when she used a building as a dildo?

Elek Szerep

Holy lighting. Looks so good. Emma is fine too :P


That bottle is still awfully full. Also the fact that her individual boobs and muscle groups are larger than his whole body is an amazing image.

Arturrrrrr rutuu

maybe some bigger comic with this lady in the lead role