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Hi all, as you know March is a 5 comic month! I had originally planned to introduce a new one shot comic titled Tired & Overworked on the 24th of March.

However since releasing Anomalous games Part 4 on just yesterday I've had more than a couple of messages from people wanting more of Anna and it made me wonder if maybe I'd be better off releasing part 5 of Anomalous Games this month instead of starting something new.

Since I've already announced my scheduled I didn't want to change it on you without getting some feedback, so let's vote on it! What would you rather see on the 24th?

P.s. There are no spiders in part 5 of Anomalous 5



Gotta go for the new shinny because that title intrigues me

Elek Szerep

I much prefer to see out a story fully before a new one.


Part 5 LET’S GOOOOO!!!!!!!!


NGL, read the first part of the title and thought you where "Tired & Overworked". Guess i'm the one whos tired xD


Ohhhh tough call, i was excited for tired and overworked, but Anna is awesome lol


Just realized, not only will I potentially enjoy part 5 of Anomalous games on the 24th, but I’ll also be able to delve into the remake of my favorite Resident Evil on the same day.


I'm going with Anomalous Games, as "one shots" are less interesting to me. I like franchises! :P


Same here. The gradual progression is what I like about the series type of works.


I'm glad I don't have to make this call because I don't think I could choose. I love a slow burn comic that is in-depth with more details and lets us really get to know the characters. But I've also always been a huge fan of trying new, fun ideas and scenarios even if they are one-shots. Then if the idea is really inspiring can always explore it more later. Too hard to choose so instead I'll just sit here and enjoy whatever glorious amazonian ladies grace my computer screen.