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Gold Edition:

  • 33 Page Comic in JPEG & PDF Format
  • 56 second animation
  • 6 height charts

Also available:

Platinum Edition (Get It Here):

  • 33 Page Comic in JPEG & PDF format
  • 119 second animation
  • 6 height charts
  • 8 extra height chart pinup images
  • 8 image set of extra angles in JPEG format



Pirata Nero

wow, nice job...it would be nice to see Freya to crush a tank and hopen a vaultdoor with her hands


Keep looking at Freya and Nick stories, she breaks a tank. And look up my comic Volunteers needed if you want to see a vault door get opened plus a lot of other strength feats.


goddamn i never thought Freya would get that much of a hot upgrade, but damn.. wonder if she’d like to get even bigger sometime though:p