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Much is in flux for Leo and Dionara.
Dreaming of Dionara at an unfathomable height, changing shape, having his lifespan extended indefinitely and making love to a woman nearly twice his size; Leo had been overwhelmed.
All of this paled in comparison to Dionara letting slip her true feelings.
There is hardly time for the couple to discuss their future, however. Little do they know that the future already knocks on their door.

Proudly brought to you by myself and FontSize.

The Collector's Edition is already available on the pinned post.




Will she get dominant? And why is there a face in page 3


It's a TV screen. They were having a movie night. If you're interested in her attitude have a read of the story so far (Especially part 4) there is a shift, in her approach in places - but it takes time, she's been through some stuff. https://www.patreon.com/RogueFMG/posts?filters[tag]=Athena&sort=published_at


I love that story!! Just beautiful <3

Elek Szerep

I love her a lot. Such a tease and yet so emotional too. Iris is funny too.


Amazing work