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Introducing Anna McKinley and Herschel Levi. Two new characters that'll be pivotal to a new series Anomalous. The first image set (and cover), Anomalous: Game(s), is coming tomorrow, so keep your eyes pealed.

Don't actually peal your eyes, it's just an expression. 


Consider this, you have three  gears stacked and put into an interlocked pyramid  they should be gear locked, but they turn none the less, such an object and more lie within a sealed switch covered locker that was loaded into Herschel's van. 

What might such a device be capable of... what could studying it unlock or unleash... join Herschel and Anna as they are subject to various miss adventures with the anomalous wonders inside the "computer".

Anna McKinley - Age 28 - Normal Height 5'6" / 167cm

Glamorous, Graceful, and Gratuitously well endowed, in her senior Year in Highschool Anna was exactly the kinda girl most would imagine when tasked with picturing a blonde cheerleader. and in her youth she tried to live up to the image of the popular socialite cheerleader, dressing well, going to parties and acting like she loved it. 

In reality, she wanted nothing more than to skip the parties and go home after training on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to spend time with her brothers and father rolling dice and slaying dragons at the weekly family D&D game, or spend every may 4th marathoning the Star Wars Trilogy (original of course).  She found herself envying Herschel and asked him out.  Now years later... she proudly reminds him that he has yet to beat her Orcs in a skirmish since they moved in together. 

Herschel Levi - Age 28 - Normal Height 6'0" / 183cm

At first glance Herschel looks like a textbook Super Nerd. The kind that can quote Harry Potter at the drop of a hat. But actually he lacks the complete conviction to really secure the title of Super Nerd. Magic, 40k, and fantasy books are all just make believe to him, and after a point he'd rather meet up with friends and go for a drink. 

He lives his live almost entirely without regard for what other people think of him. This freeing quality is probably got a lot to do with his "fro". He's also the sweetest guy Anna knows... and strives to prove to her regularly that chivalry is not dead.



Elek Szerep

I love how Anna breaks that stereotype, being a bit of a nerd :) (In a positive way of course)

