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As always, The Heels saga is created in collaboration with CaptainXero. It's a huge body of work to take on and we hope you love it as much as we do.

The magical heels continue to influence Jamie Graham’s life in ways she never could have fathomed.  It wasn’t enough that she herself had now begun to tower over most of her friends, now Lacey has found herself taller and stronger as well.  It appears whatever it is that causes the magic of these shoes to function, perhaps nobody is “safe” once they’ve been put on.
Now with a larger, topless Lacey drawing attention throughout the streets and a conflicted Jamie face to face with the caring and concerned Liam who she had met at the bar just hours before this madness truly began, a new conflict begins to emerge.  Meanwhile, nobody seemingly notices how Trisha continues to peek at the heels herself out of the corner of her eye…

The collector's edition including all the extras is already available on the collector's pinned post for people on the Collector or Commission Tier. 

It features a stunning three-part animation, two height charts, and a set of three pinup images.

The extras will be out for the Supporter Tier on Monday




You should've done a meme picture with Trisha using the template of Bilbo Baggins going "After all, why not? Why shouldn't I also become an amazon?"

GTS Adventures

Amazing chapter. Jamie's is looking incredible on page 48 but i gotta say, Lacey is my favorite : )


Another amazing chapter from my favorite comic. Beautiful expressions, as usual. Great work guys, hope to see more


Thanks! Lacey... yeah she's really come into her own this issue, right? But damn if Jamie isn't sweet and shy af. That in a big amazon package works for me.


Another excellent chapter