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Something isn’t right. I know the doctor told me it could just be a bit of “Spring weight” but that’s a load of bullshit. There isn’t anything “Spring weight” about walking up and seeing that Natalie and I were the same height now. I don’t have any idea what started it, but it’s like my body decided to go through a second puberty or something. I’ve been eating more, wanting to sleep less.

My libido feels out of control.

I had to get Natalie off my fucking back for a change and get her distracted at the mall so I could sneak over and grab a few “things” to take the load off. The Second I ran back up to her It was like I found a dumb little kid lost in the grocery store. Days like these really make me wonder why we’re still friends.

There wasn’t a moment of thought about what’s going on with me, she still managed to make it all about herself! Another lost cause of a boyfriend, another day at the shitty job she refuses to quit. Her, her, her and even more her. I don’t think it’s asking much when your “best” friend suddenly shows up a few inches taller out of the blue and think “Well shit, maybe I should ask her how she’s feeling about it.”

I clearly need to unload a lot of this feeling somehow.

Maybe I’ll go out for drinks later, it’s been a while since I did something like that. I feel like a college kid again anyway right now so maybe I can hold my drink again a bit better too.

Would beat coming back and playing with myself all alone.



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