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After a long flight, Trish's feet finally touch the ground at the airport. Eager and a bit weary, she retrieves her phone from her pocket, lighting up at the sight of a new message. It's from Gabriella, instructing her to wait at baggage claim, promising she'll be there soon to pick her up. With a mix of excitement and impatience, Trish heads to baggage claim, her eyes scanning the area for her friend.

Minutes turn into an hour, and Trish finds herself increasingly alone in the baggage claim area, the hum of the airport fading as passengers disperse. She checks her phone again, constantly looking around, hoping to capture a glimpse of Gabriella's familiar face.

Unnoticed, a shadow looms behind her. Suddenly, large hands gently cover her eyes, and a seductive voice whispers, "Guess who."

Startled, Trish spins around, her words catching in her throat as she's met not with Gabriella's face, but a towering, muscular abdomen. She tilts her head back, further and further, until she's staring up into Gabriella's smiling face. The sheer scale of her friend, now more akin to a giantess, leaves Trish speechless.

"Well, this explains a thing or two," Trish manages, her voice a mix of surprise and awe.

Gabriella's laughter rings out, warm and rich. "You like?" she teases as she flexes. Gabreilla then bends down and scoops Trish into her arms with effortless strength. The world shifts as Trish finds herself lifted off her feet, the airport seeming to shrink below them. Gabriella's kiss is a hello, filled with the same warmth and affection as always, but magnified, much like Gabriella herself.

Setting Trish down, Gabriella takes her hand, their roles momentarily reversed as Gabriella now guides Trish, the protector and the guide. "I've got so much to tell you," Gabriella beams, leading them out of the airport.

As they walk, Trish is acutely aware of the stares they attract—Gabriella's size and confidence drawing eyes. But nestled in the curve of Gabriella's arm, Trish feels a surge of pride for her friend's transformation and the journey that brought them here.

"Okay, spill it. How did this happen?" Trish asks as they head towards the exit, her curiosity battling her astonishment…



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