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Hi guys! How are you?

Not many news around here but yesterday I decided to draw a bit traditionally and it was really nice for my mental health :D arm still hurts but I'm doing an enormous effort to not squeeze the pen too tightly and watching my posture and it's helping a bit I think.

I've been watching some videos with posture tips for artists that helped me reconsider many things about my set up and things I've been doing wrong, very very wrong. Really recommend watching these if you spend lots of hours drawing, especially if you want to avoid an injury. I feel I took for granted my body and my health and now I've to deal with the consequences, please don't do the same. 

Wrist issues when drawing cintiq and tablet 

Posture for the Artist: Part 2: How I Sit While Drawing 

This Is Why Your Drawing Setup Sucks. 

Avoid Injuries from Drawing 

I went to see the doctor today and he sent me to do a magnetic resonance and kinesiology sessions. He suggested that I try to rest as much as I can but didn't insist I should completely stop drawing, so that's good I think ? Honestly he didn't say anything extraordinary or that I didn't know already and that was a bit of a bummer. I guess I'll see how it goes and wait to have the study results.

Today I took a couple of hours to finish the line work of the Witch's study, finally ! I don't have any clue how am I supposed to paint this thing haha but I'm glad the most tedious part is done, I feel proud. I wish I could go at my normal speed and wrap it up in one night but I won't, have to take it easy.

On another note, just wanted to let you know my Craftamo brush set is still happening and it's coming along very nicely, the brushes are done and we're working on the packaging atm, we're very close to release those babies to the word and I'm really excited! I'll probably gonna post a lil sneak peek for you hehe

Anyways, I think that's it for today. Hope to have more soon.

All my love and gratitude💖




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