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Hi everyone,

Thank you all for your support. Seeing more people interested in End Of Reason and its story is fantastic. Suddenly, I have over 300 watchers On DeviantArt not sure why so many people have favourited the look into update part 2 for V0. only thing I can think of is that the shrink route getting an update was what people liked.

The test version V01.92.6.1 is currently out, and this update note will combine the updates of the previous version.

Update notes

Below are the current update notes and playtest changes.

V0.1.92.6 stuff below


Main game


- Capital Court Room East added

- Capital Court Room West added

- Capital Court Lobby Room added

- Capital Item Store added

- Extra pickaxes added to item store shop

- Capital map slight tweak

- Capital Court tileset fix

- Made changes to the capital map

- Capital Magic College added

- Capital 1st floor Magic College added

- Element upgrade equipment

- Element upgrades added in a magic college

- Player can no longer unequip the upgraded element

- Fixed not being able to upgrade from level 3

- Player can no longer talk to the staff is shrunk

- The weather plugin added

- Movement plugin added

- Lighting plugin added

- Music instrument playing added

- Egg Loot chests added

- Fixed being able to bypass music puzzle by playing another tune

- Fixed players being stuck if they played the music, not on the map where the puzzle is

- Order of Light ground added

- Order of Light 1st floor added

- Order of Light Innova room added

- Fixed Order Of Light tileset

- Lord Silver's Mansion Reduced maid 2 floor 2 timers when killed

- Most shops will now not interact with the player if they are in a shrunken state

- Yuriel Guards in courtroom will now crush the player if they are in a shrunken state

- Skill Shop map added

- Skill Shop 1st floor map added

- Fixed tileset for Order Of Light ground and first floor

- Updated Element God's names

- Amalthea Domain will only appear if Annabel is in the party and not in reserve

- Amalthea Domain will disappear if Annabel is killed

- Fixed transporting player from Forest Capital South part 2 to 1

- Fixed bug in Forest Capital South that transported player into trees when the Unicron scene ran when already played

- Compass icons added for South Capital Forest and Lord Silver's Mansion entrance to map

- Compass icons added for Capital Outskirts East

- Change the layout of the Capital East Map

- Added Outer Capital East Tower Map

- Compass proximity extended to 100 for the east area of Capital

- Compass icons added for Capital West outer map

- Compass proximity extended to 100 for the west area of Capital

- Compass icons added for Capital Outskirts South map

- Fixed clipping in the tileset for the South capital map

- Changed South Capital Forest 2 map

- Helpful text added for Amalthea event to hint that the event won't trigger if

the player is shrunk

- Inside the room Amalthea domain map added

- Updated capital south forest map

- Updated Capital south two forest map

- BGM music added to Capital south forest, capital south forest two and Amalthea domain map

- Demon Maid Gameover picture updated

- Demon Maid Gameover 2 picture updated

- Demon maid game over timer turned off when game over occurs

- Fixed demon binder getting stuck in magic college

Below are various text changes/fixes:

- Corrected Wiseman Edwin's text

- Corrected text for Yuriel Statue

- Corrected Text in Skill shop 1st floor

- Corrected text for Arriette


V0.1.92.6 stuff above



V0. stuff below


Main game

- Timer for demons to arrive added

- Fixed auto event for demon gate not ending

- Added more signposts around the Capital to help with directions

- Reduced size for demon eye gazer

- Lady Deullas rescue quest added appears at dusk

- Rearranged mob in Deullas quest to make them easier to target

- OOL spies will no longer count FL against the player

- OOL spies will count trangor alliance against the player if alive

- Rufus now attacks the player when in the Lady Aura area

- Rufus won't attack the player if the Trangor alliance is active

- Debug event updated to advance time for players with Chapter 3 saves

- Fixed getting stuck in Rufus event

- Compass no longer disabled in Aura's snow field to help highlight hidden features

- Killing the OOL spies will no longer trigger an adverse effect for the Trangor alliance

- The player can now view Kumbiu's location picture from the menu to help with locating him

- Area with Lady Aura compass added

- Fixed timer when morning hits to prevent it from looping

- Fixed Capital West tileset

- Corrected Labels for Chapter 1 world map

- Added Capital Label for all world maps

- Rebel Leader shrink route can now play the rest of chapter 1

- Added Orihime crush scene Chapter 1 for Clara, Bellatrix, Jinzo and Custom Male&Female

- Compass added to Chapter 1

- More Compass icons added to Chapter 2

- Removed the ability to interact and place orbs in the well located in

Forest Of Eyes to avoid wasted items

- Killing Fegul will no longer allow her to spawn in later events/scenes

- If Orihime dies, she'll be replaced by a random reserve party member

- Increased Yuu relationship penalty for killing Fegul

- Reduced Yuu Relation penalty for Bellatrix

- Fairies Home map added to Grassy Inn Chapter 1 shrunk route

- Expanded shrink route to include the custom characters as well as the leading four

- Corrected shrink graphic for all characters when doing the shrink route

- Added pictures for Rukia game overs

- Forced autosave for Rukia shrink route as the quick time event is very hard

- Fixed Rukia getting stuck at the key location once the key is picked up

- Added region block so Rukia can't leave the map

- Fixed Rukia being transparent when an alert is triggered in small rooms in her house

- Fixed player returning to ruins while shrunk and getting not being able to leave

- Ruth's cabin lore reduces the reward

- Fixed Annabel not grabbing the player when shrunk

- Annabel grab no longer auto succeeds in Petal Village Chapter 1

- Compass Icon for crafting added

- Compass Icon for smithing added

- Compass Icon for blocking added

- Corridor Of Sin map Added

- Crude Shrinking Solution is now craftable in the Magic Crafting Masters shop

- Crafting shop update switches when the player interacts to catch those with saves where the item or recipe have already been obtained

- Reduced game over time for maid on the first floor of Lord Silver's mansion

- Fixed game looping when using the Crude Shrinking Solution

- Reduced timer for dusk to reduce conflict with various events and updated debug event to reflect this

- Added failsafe to the Crude Shrinking Solution to prevent use if a timer is already running

- Added failsafe to the Crude Shrinking Solution to prevent use if the player is already shrunk

- Fixed game locking when blown by the intense air current in the Corridor Of Sin

- Fixed tileset for Corridor Of Sin

- Fixed being able to duplicate fairies in Bandit camp when buying them from a shop

- Fixed Kumniu being killed, not counting in the court trial

- Added a fix for if Geva dies

- Court trial can no longer be triggered when shrunk to stop an exploit

- Reduced plenty for killing Geva in the court trial

- Having Annabel in the party, reserve or not, will avoid the penalty for the crimes

- Added time counter for Geva's Experiment quest

- Added time counter for Did Someone Lose A Slave quest

- The pressure plate in the courtroom can no longer be activated when small

- Poisoning the High Council Member awards a few more points than before

- Killing Annabel adds more negative points in the court trial

- Bartender can no longer be used when shrunk in courtroom East

- Fixed alt triggering of court trial when shrunk

- Added labels to some buildings in the Capital

- The fairy alliance ending drops the player in Gwyllion's cave in chapter 4

- Updated Debug event to include killing Geva

- Updated Debug event calculations to include additional quests

- Fixed wind trap in Sinners Corridor not working when plater interactions with lore text




- Fixed buttons in the minigame menu

Below are various text changes/fixes:

- Corrected text for machine God control intro

- Removed human reference for machine God control intro

- Corrected Quest text for demon quest

- Correct grab window for Orihime crush scene Chapter 2

- Corrected text for custom female forest chapter 1

- More character text for ruins added

- Corrected Teddy bear text for Orihime Teddy bear Chapter 1

- Added character text for Teddy bear Chapter 1

- Corrected Tageth intro text

- Removed human reference in the forest of eyes shrine

- Corrected text in the forest of eyes

- Corrected text in the forest of eyes shrine

- Corrected text for Yuu statue conversation Custom characters

- Corrected text for Yuu statue conversation Jinzo

- Corrected text for Yuu statue conversation Clara

- Corrected text for Yuu statue conversation Orihime

- Correected text for Yuu statue conversation Bellatrix

- Added Jubokko's chosen class for Bellatrix text for Yuu statue conversation

- Removed human reference in rebel leader fight custom female

- Removed human reference in Ruth's cabin Chapter 2

- Corrected text in Ruth's cabin Chapter 2

- Corrected shrinking recipe text in Lord Silver's Mansion 1st floor

- Corrected Form in cage text in Lord Silver's Mansion 1st floor

- Corrected text in Grassy Inn first Floor Chapter 1

- Corrected text for Slave trader in Badint Camp chapter 3

- Corrected Text in Gwyllions cave chapter 3

- Corrected Text in Court Trial chapter 3

- Helpful text added to Geva's aid in case the player unsure what to do

- Corrected Butler text in Lord Silver's Mansion chapter 3

- Corrected Court Room trial Text


  • In shrinking route randomly, can walk through walls and get stuck unsure of cause atm


V0. stuff above


For the complete update notes, see the text file.

It is shown in the bio on Deviantart as.

"Deviantart End Of Reason Updates.txt File below:


I have updated my bio to reflect this journal.

Thank you to all who are supporting and playing End Of Reason!

