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Finally! It took so long and so much effort but it's here. I'm already editing the video where I will explain how everything works and I'm hoping to release it with the public version in one week approximately. For now here's the version! Babies, Wine, Respawning as your child and more! I'll be fixing minor bugs I'm already aware so this post would probably be updated in the next days!

Enjoy this version!



  • Added: Villagers now display their names!
  • Added: Wandering trader now spawns naturally!
  • Added: Quest system for some villagers!
  • Added: NEW Wandering trader: Ragnaar!
  • Added: NEW Wandering trader: Bomb!
  • Added: Beetroot Beer!
  • Added: Apple Juice!
  • Added: Berry Wine!
  • Added: Village rename! (Craft with paper+nametag+feather)
  • Added: Alma can spawn as a special npc!
  • Added: Players can respawn as their last children. Inherit Royal Blood, Shifters and Sex!
  • Added: Players can have baby villagers with other players.
  • Added: Julian can spawn as a special npc!
  • Added: Baby villagers inherit royal blood!
  • Added: Glowing effect to Eldian Mark.
  • Added: Woman can't have more than 3 children.
  • Added: Villagers now die after 8 generations (Aging)!
  • Added: Model for "Bomb" (Wandering trader)
  • Added: Model for "Ragnaar" (Wandering trader)


  • Fixed: Baby Villagers model was too high!
  • Fixed: Model for the Wandering Trader.
  • Fixed: Villagers can get out of handcuffs.
  • Fixed: Player dies 2 times when removing shifter.
  • Fixed: Randomly dying as a pure titan.
  • Bugfix: Villagers were dying when they get a shifter!


  • Optimization: Moved Villagers npcs to advancement detection.
  • Added: Config to increase/decrease birth rate.
  • Updated: "Bob" can spawn again with the new Quest System!
  • Updated: "Use F5" Message moved to actionbar.
  • Added: Config to disable Villager names!
  • Added: Config to disable Villager whispers!
  • Added: New api function to respawn shifters!


  • Added: Toy model for Zick!
  • Added: Toy model for Zwei!
  • Added: Toy model for Michelle!
  • Added: Toy model for Valentine!
  • Added: Toy model for Vladlen!
  • Added: Toy model for Allan!
  • Added: Toy model for Ameer!
  • Added: Toy model for Creepy!
  • Added: Toy model for Blocky!
  • Added: Toy model for Colossal!
  • Added: Mask Model for Cart!
  • Added: Mask Model for Colossal!
  • Added: Mask Model for Attack!
  • Added: Mask Model for Beast!


  • Updated: Trades for Alex!
  • Updated: Removed some particles when the player has royal blood for better visibility in first-person view.
  • Updated: Royal Villagers can only spawn in nature. Not from other villagers.
  • Updated: Sky color for the villages is now Blue!
  • Updated: Biome colors for villages!
  • Updated: Taxes event now gives 3 Golden Marks instead of 2.




This update is amazing

Jaku Veku

which verson for this