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  • Survey corps can use ODM and kill titans!
  • Added a new system: Villages!
  • Added a new variant for the villagers: Survey Corps!
  • Added a chat system to the villagers!
  • Added a reputation system to the players!
  • Added an event system!
  • Added event: food!
  • Added event: Lucky charm!
  • Added event: Titan raid!
  • Added event: Marley raid!
  • Added event: Speed!
  • Added event: Sick!
  • Added event: Seller!
  • Added event: Taxes!
  • Soldiers now can fight agains Marley!
  • Added a new mob: Willy MB!


  • Model of Willy MB.
  • Attack Titan: Descriptions updated
  • Cart Titan: Descriptions updated.
  • New colossal titan spawn animation.


  • Villagers now try to breed every 15 minutes!
  • Fixed a bug that randomly dropped the tps
  • Attack Titan: Increased punch hitbox, now parry is instant and faster.
  • Reduced Pure Titans speed on night time: ~~slowness II~~ - slowness III.
  • Colossal Titan: Increased speed to be a little faster than a player running.


  • Villagers not going to bed properly (Not survey corps yet)
  • Added type=snc:snc which filters **EVERY ENTITY** that the datapack uses. (**HUUUUGE **performance increase!)
  • Changed Colossal Titan to item display entites!
  • Config to disable color names.
  • Added config to disable Lightning when spawning titans.


  • Professions weren't showing properly
  • Rotated **ALL** models 180° to roperly work in 1.20 (Thanks Mojang!)
  • Attack Titan is now able to crouch on the server properly.
  • Valentina wasn't making her second Attack.



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