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Here on Friday one of my colleagues in the shop came to work, after a while he started to feel bad, measured his temperature, and his temperature was 38°C (100.4°F), he was immediately sent home for treatment. I didn't talk to him that much time that day, I thought he had a common cold. The next day I get up in the morning, and I have a little headache and sore throat, and felt a little weak, thought he was tired after work. I drank some pills, and it become much easier. Then a little later a few friends came to me, sat down, talked, drank beer, laughed a little, and parted. Then in the evening I felt sick again, and I decided to measure the temperature as well, it turned out that I had 38.7°C (101.66°F). At first I thought the thermometer was lying, because I did not feel that I had a fever, there was a slight weakness and a very sore head and throat. I went to the neighbors to borrow a thermometer, and it showed the same result.

On Sunday, my temperature did not drop, and I called my family doctor to make an appointment, to which he replied that he could not accept me for one week because of the large number of patients. But he told me what drugs I needed to buy to recover. I called my mother to buy medicine and bring it to me, and she did. She was with me for literally several hours and went home. On Monday, I called work to say I was ill and would not come to work, and I was told that more than 40 people at the company fell ill and had the same symptoms as me.

Then in the afternoon I started calling my friends who were at my house on Saturday, they all got sick too. Maybe some simple cold mutated, and so everyone gets sick in a row. These medications that my doctor prescribed me are helping me much better. I think that 1-2 days and I will be healthy.


Texas Gent

Take it easy and get well soon


Get well soon


Take care of yourself.