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 Once again, because of Peter's stupid antics, their house, in which Lois was currently located, was destroyed, and in this situation Lois suffered a little. Since they had nowhere to live, Lois turned to her parents for help, who were vacationing somewhere on the islands at the time, and they were allowed to settle in their house. Lois was unable to take care of herself due to her injuries, and since she couldn't count on Peter, she knew he was a big child, Lois asked her best friend Bonnie for help, who kindly agreed.

 Arriving at her parents' home, Lois asked Bonnie to help her take a bath, upon hearing this, Peter decided to seize the moment and take a bath with them. The moment Lois went to her room to take off her clothes, Peter quickly undressed and rushed to the bathroom, where he found Bonnie naked. Realizing that Bonnie is a woman without complexes, and he more than once saw how she walked out of the house fully naked and talked with other people, he offered to take a bath with them and Bonnie agreed.




This one looks fabulous.

Chris Acosta

Did you get my message?


I have an icon that there is a message, but when I click on it, then I just have a white page. I have the same problem in the application, when I go to the message then the application throws me out. I will create an e-mail, and all messages will be written there.


Bonnie looks happy to see *naked* Lois

Chris Acosta

Could you give me your email address?

Andrew Saraceno

Hey GP. Can I have the email address because I never realized that you’re having an issue with the messages on Patreon