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Hi adventurers!~

Today, you all are going on a hunt! Search through kamiaristudio.com (don't forget the secret shop!) and find the Golden Spirit hidden somewhere! There are 5 golden spirits hidden throughout the site.
The first tribe that emails all 5 screenshots to kamiarispiritmonth@gmail.com will win 10 points for their tribe!~ I encourage you to use your tribes Discord channel to work together!

When you are finished, submit your screenshots to kamiarispiritmonth@gmail.com with the subject line "Your Tribe: Golden Spirit"

EX: "Valorborne: Golden Spirit"

You MUST have all 5 screenshots to win the points! Entries without all 5 will not count.

The website will open at 5PM EST
, once it does the hunt will begin! Remember, you're racing against the other tribes!

Good luck!~

-Ari ♥



Aaron Byam

The website is closed again. What happened?

Shelby Rae

I'm so confused, there were no golden spirits when I went into the shop and now it's closed again... did a tribe win???