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The MM golems have some problems. Like all monsters with nonmagical weapon damage immunity, they lead one of the following scenarios:

1. The party has no magical weapons. Basically a guaranteed party loss, so DMs just don't use them in this situation. Tragically, this is the situation it seems they were designed for, to force the party to pursue creative non-damage solutions. Sadly, 5e is often a game about depleting HP, so in the absence of alternate win conditions they fail in that goal.

2. The party has some magical weapons. One or two party members basically just have to sit this one out. That's not fun.

3. The party has plentiful magic weapons. Now that trait does nothing but waste space on the stat block

My solution is to provide alternate win conditions and ways to disable that immunity, so that T1 DMs can use golems, fulfilling that original design intent. The Clay Golem I modeled after the Golem of Prague, the original inspiration for the monster. For the Stone Golem, I tried to capture a little bit of Terminator, and a little bit of The Mountain from Game of Thrones.



Is the 25 fire damage for a single damage roll or for a whole round?

Isaac Minarik

I was initially thinking from a single source, but I hadn't factored in how things like Elemental Weapon or held actions might factor in. I'll change the damage threshold to be per turn.