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Orcs are fast, fearless, and industrious. Demons are just, like, the worst at teamwork and strategy. The tanarukk throws the two in a blender, and what you get is an orc with any shred of humanoid complexity stripped away. These fellas have two modes: angry and extra angry. We've got two variants here:

The Scarbearer wields a greatsword one-handed, because he needs the other hand to punch. He will also bite your ear off on a crit like Holyfield, and if he gets angry enough he will spontaneously combust, which is a problem for him because he's not immune to fire damage, and a problem for you because you're now having the tar beaten out of you by a burning demon orc.

The Firespeaker is a punch-wizard. When he punches you, you catch fire. If you were already on fire, you explode.


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