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I started this project because I realized all of us are out here having to homebrew any encounter we want to be halfway engaging for the players, or leaning hard on combat descriptions, which is a lot of energy expended that could be used on other types of campaign prep. Here are 462 play-oriented, varied, balanced, monsters for your D&D 5e campaign to free up that prep time and mental energy for other tasks.

I'll be posting new monsters every day. Every once in a while I'll update this master PDF so we can keep it all in a single document.

Edit: I was posting too fast before the file had a chance to upload, apparently. Mea culpa.



Hi! Love your design philosophies. Thanks for making the Isimir, Scream of the Frozen Earth statblock for me (ChopsMcGee23 on Reddit), looking forward to supporting you and seeing what else you come up with this year.

Isaac Minarik

Thanks! I've got some fun stuff in the tank. Been watching a lot of mid-80's Chinese horror movies, so tomorrow I'm tackling the Jiangshi.