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Welcome back, everyone!

As we go through another week of Voidbound development, join us in reflecting upon the groundwork for exciting features yet to come.

As always, lets begin with Art 🎨

Render tests on Section 2 are now largely finished with some minor work still remaining. Our current focus now shifts towards the third section of the dungeon map, followed by a final optimization pass across all three sections simultaneously.

Speaking of remaining tasks, we're still in the process of conceptualizing a select few scenarios, like that thrilling moment of Caly's daring fall on the conveyor belt that led to some... spicy developments 💓

We've also begun exploring innovative methods to enhance the visual allure of VoidBound, experimenting with new line-art techniques aimed at reducing production times while maintaining uncompromised quality.

Finally, in order to enhance player experience, we've revamped the Combat UI with streamlined engaging features like enemy info display, speeding up option, and dynamic cut-ins as well as combat poses.


With ideas and concepts finalized, the story-writers are now deep in preparations, penning down the details and narrative text for puzzles and encounters throughout the dungeon, ensuring an immersive experience for the players.

Additionally, editing and fine-tuning of the colorful characters of Tripteen's base camp is now complete, adding depth and personality to the quaint little village.


To deliver a well polished gaming experience, our coders are currently running rigorous testing on new dungeon mechanics as well as fine-tuning the intricacies of dungeon exploration. Our end goal to do so is to provide a challenging, yet rewarding gameplay experiences for our players 🎖️

In our last report, we emphasized our commitment to optimizing gameplay for all systems, and our coders have been diligently focused on cleaning up and optimizing plugins to achieve this goal. 

While OS compatibility is still a challenge, we remain steadfast in our aim to enhance hardware performance and ensure overall stability for all our players!

In closing, we'd like to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your support and patience 🙏

Stay tuned for more updates as we chart the course for the future of VoidBound.

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

Wishlist Us @ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2500710/VoidBound/ 
