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Ahoy Spacefarers,

From concept to code, the development journey continues! Let's peek under the hood and check out what got tackled this week 🖥️

Kicking off February, our artist and coder joined forces to put the new Tripteen maps through a gauntlet of technical tests. Each zone's visuals are now undergoing rigorous rendering analysis to strike that perfect balance between eye-catching aesthetics and smooth performance.

After-all, landscapes and intricate details are captivating, but meaningless if the game chugs along like a snail.

While developing VoidBound remains our top priority, fueling its launch with epic promo art is a close second! Stunning pieces are being crafted for Twitter to that effect, celebrating exciting milestones like reaching Wishlist goals, and if your reception is out of this world, they might just make a triumphant in-game debut! Prepare to be wowed! #VoidBoundArt 🐦


As we delve deeper into Tripteen's lore, we're re-imagining the backstory of Excite-O-Bot, the quirky droid in the village. 

In the original concept, it was clear that its origins and the secrets are buried deep within the Tripteen Dungeon halls but, Caly never really stuck around to figure out more. This time however, not only are we expanding the Bot's story-line further, but we're also outlining a potential side quest for our intrepid heroine to tackle.

Players will be venturing deep into the dungeon's depths on Excite-O-Bot's request and perhaps, even re-discover more of the mysterious being's past in the process.


Finally, the new dungeon's lighting is getting its final touches! Expect ambience enhancing glows, dynamic ray casting effect, and maybe even some spooky flickering 🔦 to set the mood. These features are also undergoing stress tests and, if deemed necessary, will be optimized further in order to ensure maximum compatibility with a range of PC hardware. 

Tying it off, Tripteen's baddies are training for some serious battle! These new enemies and bosses are being equipped with a variety of unique skills, all based on the revamped combat system, that will require some strategic thinking to conquer. Fret not though, Caly will be fully armed with enough tools as well to pack more strategy than John Wick's bullets. 

It'll be a tactical dance, not a bullet ballet 💃🏻

And that concludes our update for this one. Thank you for reading until the end, nothing makes us happier. 

Take care and we'll see you in the next progress update.

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

Wishlist Us @ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2500710/VoidBound/ 

