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Hey there, fellow spacers!

Another December week flown by in the trenches of game development. With coffee in hand, keyboard constantly click-clacking, and inspiration overflowing the team remains busy plugging away at new challenges at hand- and it's all made possible thanks to your incredible support!

Without adieu, to this week's highlights:

The artist kicked things off by starting with the redesign of the cryptic machines of Tripteen. These automatons patrol the deep dungeon halls with an ant worker like purpose- or at least that is how they were patterned to be originally. Now however, their actions seem senseless at best.

Maybe because their circuits got fried over time? Or they simply are no longer receiving control directions? Still, they remain an unpredictably dangerous force to reckon with.

Over 8 designs made in this new concept art for Tripteen's Revamp. These bots cover a wide range of shapes and sizes and will offer up a buffet of metallic enemies for Caly to contend with. The best thing is since they're bots, we might see their designs pop up later. Though, it still remains to be seen if all designs will make the final cut or not. Jens says Henosis is prime for more robots.

Additionally, the dungeon's new structure is being reformed as well. We played with different ideas, new and old and though the core structure of the facility will always have a place in our memories, we hope this new dungeon will show off the evolution of the game's development.

With new map designs, also come new planned features- some of which we're testing out extensively to gauge their impact in the long run. And while the overall story may be close to the original, new puzzles and findable will give the Tripteen Dungeon the same freshness the Introduction received.

Finally, our code-workers report that they have begun preemptive work on accommodating the changes that will come with the rework. This includes rearranging current visual assets while revamping other concepts to bring it more in line with the recent quality releases. It's about time we replaced our three year old map-work with a more pristinely modern parallax creation. 

Part of this effort also includes re-balancing the enemy skill-sets. With the bots becoming diversely unique, their capabilities are now under re-evaluation as well- something we predict will noticeably change the way players will approach these fights, in comparison to the original.

And that is our entire showcasing for this one. Concept planning has always been slow, but we're hopeful we'll have a clear vision of everything we intend to achieve before the holiday season  really kicks in.

But, that's for later. For now, thanks for reading and your time. We'll see you in the next one o/

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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