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Greetings Adventures o7

It's time for another weekly progress report on the development of VoidBound. This week, we've made significant strides, albeit they are bit on the technical side this time so, bear with us:

We've well established by now that Caly is going felon hunting in this upcoming update and she is going to do so in style by taking names and kicking ass. But... what if Caly meets her match? What if she went looking for trouble but, that trouble got the best of her? Caly getting the tables flipped on her, is the very theme that was finished this week i.e the Defeat Scene CGs for Bounty Hunt Tier 1.

We wish we could showcase some finished content but we'd rather you enjoy whilst playing the game which will be coming your way within days. All we can say right now is that Tuko and Caly are going to have a blast! ... Or, at least Tuko definitely will *tentacly grin*

Furthermore, coloring work on the different Standing Arts for Caly are now finished as well. We've got some slick and rich new expressions to make sure our main girl looks tight, walking through the mean streets of Henosis, socializing like she was born there. Prepare to meet a fresh look Caly that is now showcasing the best of her ASSets.

Meanwhile, Bounty Hunter Tier 2 is in full writing production. Everything is outlined so it's just a matter of putting the ideas to paper and then from paper to keyboard, which should be done by the time this post goes out. Guess we won't get the opportunity to discuss the details much as that one's development is cutting a bit close.

Still, we do know that The Tier 2 quest will include one alternative route for Caly to bring in her target. The beauty is that it will also allow for some additional paths later on if we want to add them, which dependent on player feedback might just happen sooner than later!

Speaking of bounties, the technical Template Format for Bounty Hunt Tier 1 is finished. Coders are just waiting for the script for Tier 2 to be completed before they can start work on the entire thing in one go. But, while they wait, they sent word that we had been waiting for with baited breath:

Completed stability evaluation and side testing of Quest Log Prompts with the writer. The Log allows us to put in details like requirements for the quests and objectives. Plus it looks really baller. Check out for yourself!

Click either :> Vimeo / GoogleDrive

And on a final rhythmic note, four new audio tracks have been produced! These new tunes will help enhance the aesthetics of our new zones, improving the enthralling game-play experience that you have come to expect from VoidBound.

And that is it~ As always, thank you for reading!

We look forward to sharing our progress with you next week and hopefully the patch as well! Till then, take care!

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

Wishlist Us @ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2500710/VoidBound/



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