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Salutations Spacefarers,

What a week! STEAM's NextFest just culminated and had us drowning in so many great projects, it was riveting, to say the least. We explored so much and truly re-experienced how there is a big world of talent out there. Already looking forward to 2024 expo!

That being said, it's time to visit the familiar shores of VoidBound once more and talk about the latest news so, lets get going:

New concept assets were created this week for the upcoming Bounty Hunter quests, chief amongst them, Caly's target of interest: a Garumite(refer to the image attached). Inspired by a design of something humanoid but still distinctively alien, and not super friendly either, these guys are the very definition of "menacing".

Now, are they all bad to the bone or just misunderstood beings? Guess we'll find out more as the story develops further, including more design variations. Oh yea, they all look different with an array of "unique" packages down there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

From the story side of things, major progress has been reported with the First Bounty Hunting Quest now tagged as written, edited and approved. With that, the writers have diverted their attention towards the next hunt's design, making sure this second hunt explores more of the city and the actual 'hunting' part of being a bounty hunter.

More on this in the coming few weeks.

Finally, the big one we've all been looking forward to: Quest log is now Fully Operational!!! Yes, no longer shall you be lost or blinded about what to do next. One click and all the useful information with regards to quests you have, quests you did, where to find the objective marker and so forth will be available to you immediately.

Unfortunately, deployment of the system in the near future is still out of the question as more optimization efforts are needed in regards to its navigation capability. Currently, thanks in large part due to the engine’s limitations, cycling through quests is inducing confusing effects, jumping randomly to unintended menu options. On the plus side though, we're already troubleshooting the root cause and are confident we'll solve the underlying issues by the time of our next patch gets released. So all we request is a bit more patience ;)

And that is all for this one. To all our fans who visited us during the fest, new and current, you have our infinite appreciation.

Thank you all for being with us and thank you more for reading thus far. We'll be back next week with more updates so, till then, take care and stay awesome.

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team



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