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Greetings Patrons ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

We uphold our monthly tradition and bring to you our latest pick of the fine art collection, quite a bit of those are due to make its debut in the upcoming patch release!

Puppy Eyes: Intergalactic Mode

Silly girl. That's not how you wear that dress!

The Colonel's POV


And more!

Check em all out and more @Tier Content: Art Pack, August 2023

August has turned out to be quite the hectic month thus far. With a major revamp being pushed, significant hurdles keep popping up trying to convert a purely VN sequence into an extended game-play scenario.

Rest assured though, all hands are onboard as of writing this post, making sure we meet our release goals ASAP. In the meanwhile, please enjoy these offerings as thanks for your valuable support.

As always, we're so very grateful to have you as a part of our community ^_^ /

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team



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