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Hi everyone,

We recently got word that starting this month some patreon users were being affected by a peculiar issue whereby their transactions on the platform weren't going through due to payments being denied by their banks. Even some creators themselves were facing hurdles claiming their monthly support sum, as certain payment processor(s) were inoperable as well.

The issue behind this is not exactly clear as of writing this post. Patreon themselves aren't being forthcoming and are using vague language, such as, "issues found", "exercise patience", "X affected but YZ should still be fine". All we are aware of is that there is a possibility that certain sections of patreon's payment systems have collapsed.

As such, rather than speculate and splash unverified claims here, we just wanted to raise awareness around this issue. If you are a supporter of ours, or just a supporter in general, please check your bank statement for this month and make sure you aren't affected by this development. If you are, chances are your bank flagged the transaction as fraudulent to protect you, in which case the worse that is going to happen is that you will be de-listed from the tiers of all the creators you were supporting, as patreon will most likely consider the rejection as you withdrawing support.

Unfortunately, there is not much of a solution available at the moment. All you can do is to wait for patreon to fix itself as their is a high chance your bank will continue to enforce the block until they do. And even if they don't, we have read reports that the payment updation system isn't operating correctly either and is riddled with 404 page errors.

All in all, even though we are facing the fallout as well, all we can say is, inconvenience is deeply regretted and we sincerely hope that you aren't affected. And if by chance you are, we hope that you have a good memory to remember all the creators that you were supporting.

Thank you for reading and be well!

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team



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