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VoidLanders o/

Today, we have an exclusive "first look" post prepared just for you! And to make it extra special, it will be penned by our new lead writer, WildQuill! A talented wordsmith in his own right, he replaces NekoAlchemy who has departed to pursue his own new horizons and we wish him luck with his future endeavors!

Without further adieu, over to our scribe!

Hey guys, Wildquill here. For any who don't know me, I'm the new Creative Director for VoidBound. Candiru will manage the gameplay aspects and I will assist by managing the story aspects. We work in tandem to make sure all parts of the creative process are going at full capacity as we work to finish this sci-fi epic. I joined the team in late 2022 and I wanted to stop by and talk about some of the new stuff heading our way for VoidBound.
Hope you enjoyed the Slimes Quest; got my feet wet on that piece, but it's an ongoing adventure. The core of the quest is there, but we will be bolstering it with some awesome Bad Ends.
The first one is between Ishan and Caly.
In it, we'll have some slimy new fun for our hero to get mixed up with. Ishan might be the most unassuming of the Slimes, but he's still very kinky.
I'm very happy with the visual layouts and poses we found; it was important to ensure we weren't just remaking Sumura and Caly's scene. The writing will have a different vibe because this scene occurs much earlier in the quest line.
Check out some of the preview images.
This is just the first of three new scenes we have planned out to flesh out the Slime Quest. Looking at the big picture, the writing team is working on the next part of the main quest, the arena quest chain, and we're also looking at ways to polish up the Introduction.
People may ask why we are working on the start of the game.
The easiest answer is that we want to improve the playability of VoidBound's crucial early moments. That means getting the action into the player's hands faster, giving them an amazing map to truly get used to how the game plays with a tutorial before we let them go wild with our customized battle gameplay.
Less exposition, more guns-blazing excitement. At the end of the day, we want your adventure on the Urtu Science Ship to be a proper blastoff for Caly's adventure.
Fixing up the intro also lets us spend more time fleshing out Vas' character. She will definitely make for an aggressive Pass/Fail kind of teacher as she and Caly work together and escape.
And that's about it for now. We're very excited about the game as we near the halfway point of 2023. Be sure to keep your eyes open for additional updates.

And that culminates our writer's thoughts on VoidBound's immediate future and beyond. Though, if experiences has taught us anything, it's that nothing is set in stone and subject to change at the drop of a hat. As such, we'll keep you posted about the latest via our weekly reports.

But until then though, Thank You for reading and especially more for your valuable support that keeps this project going!

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team



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