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Hi folks,

Welcome back to the progress coverage of our second week of 2023. Staying warm, safe, and having a wonderful time we hope? Sit back as we break down the developments of the past few days for you.

Continuing on the work from last week, more artworks were minted, this time- new combat sprites. Since our upcoming patch is centrally focused around game-play, it stands to reason that much of our fresh assets are going to revolve around it. And of-course new NSFW cut-ins are also part of the package! New enemies means new ero attacks that Caly must fend off...- or not? That's upto you, her controller :)

On the pen and paper side of things, with our writer still nursing himself back to health, he was unable to tackle any significant challenges yet again. Can't be helped if the mind refuses to cooperate. Still, not to waste away the daylights, he went into light revision mode, adjusting old scenarios for better player traction and experience. We're closely watching the feedback in this regard as we do not want to fall into the old "This is a game, not a LightNovel" pitfall, and will keep making changes to the word count as needed.

Finally, our coder was working in close tandem with the artist, pathing the new enemy sprites and balancing their stats. Not only that, but the cut-in trigger points were discussed in detail and their relevant spots were duly finalized. Obviously, in the programming world, when you stir the pot too much, new gremlins crawl out and this week was no different as new combat additions brought new bugs forward. Last time we checked, they were still plaguing our codemaster and he was not having a good day for it. Here is to hoping he settles the matter and get a good night's rest soon.

And that was our week in the nut shell. Next week, we expect some new H scenes, some more development around Jaee and more news about the Slime Quest. Till then however, we wish you well and will see you in the next one.

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team



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