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"Well, hello there good lookin'. Long time no see.."

Hey folks o/

With the next patch release imminent in October, change logs are filling up with something new everyday now. We've already covered in detail the big combat changes, so lets revert your experience back to the more, lighter exhibition of weekly progression.

Arts and crafts department reports swiping the final polish on the PixieXCaly moments, with the CGs now ready for in-game integration. With the scar- err, we mean the nice lady with the stethoscope now appeased, the artist has turned his full attention towards that rascal Alexis and whatever shenanigans he is upto. Rumor is, that in order to bring to life the designs that CatBoy has for Caly, Doppel has been experimenting with a unique genre and that the final result will be much more than a few static poses. Curiously intrigued? We sure are!

Following a similar pattern, the writing team dusted their hands off after completing two major scenarios-, one of Pixie getting handsy in her clinic and the other of Haar being handy in his kitchen. There were some minor hiccups due to last minute deviations with the context but, overall, things remain largely on track and will soon be ready for merger with the graphical assets. Speaking of assets..

An old flame is poised to make a comeback.

We won't spoil it for you but, writers aren't done with Jem just yet. Her one night stand with Caly might just materialize into something more "significant"? That or she simply wants to hook up again. Whatever her intentions, we're informed that the new quest-line work is significant and it might be a while before she makes an appearance again.

Finally, and we'll lightly touch this one for now, but the coder and the lead writer have joined forces working on a foundation for a new game-play system. Badged internally as the, "Bounty Hunting", the driving idea is to provide an alternate free mode for players to enjoy when they want to take a breather from kinetic quest-lines. Concepts that can be integrated into such a system are aplenty on the table, but we'd refrain from making any mentions this early in its development cycle lest we end up giving the wrong idea of "this might happen" and then fail to deliver it. Instead, once we're comfortable building the system, we'll present it to you in a detailed separate post. Till then however, know that we're working tirelessly to bring more interesting things to the Voidverse!

And that wraps up the 3rd week of September. Lots to do still before the month turns over, so we'll take your leave and bid you well o/

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team



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