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"Yes, yes. Let the horny flow through you.."

Folks o/

Welcome back to another round of weekly updates from the realm of VoidBound. We've quite the variety to touch on, so lets dive in starting from the artist's desk as usual.

For starters, remember him?

If you don't, allow us to make (re)introductions. 

Alexis, a pharmacist by profession, who runs his own pharmacy in the spiraling mall of Henosis right here:

Though he made his debut in the Henosis Overhaul, the player never really got to interact with him past the generic shop keep banter. But that will change come the next patch as he is set to play a more "proactive" role in Caly's adventures. So, what is his deal? Well, Alexis is somewhat of a miscreant with a mischievous streak bordering on conniving. He is cute and is very aware of it, using his charms to make others subconsciously drop their guard around him. But, is he a bad actor? Or is his antics mostly of the harmless variety? Well, Caly is about to find out the hard way after he managed to convince her to trust him blind. Trust with what, you ask? You'll just have to wait for the patch to find out ^_~

Meanwhile, Doc Pixie kept glaring daggers in our backs, so we continued working fervently on the content from last week as well, with a fair amount of sketch-works now transitioning into the render stage. Few artistic editions were also made to the current framework to better suit the immersive dialogue extensions that the writing team added to the pilot scenario. All in all, the good doctor was pleased and we live, for now, to get scalpeled another week. 

On the other hand, Haar got wind of Caly's questionable culinary skills and decided to school her in the basics of cooking. We're told it was less motivated by charity and more by the need for self preservation. Either way, we're grateful to the furry eared one for helping Caly improve her knifing skills outside of a bloody battlefield.

Finally, the binary digits reported in and they have been busy. From implementing scenes of Caly getting nailed and screwed in multiple different ways(not in a horrifying, but in a kinky way!) to testing new enemies that'll nail and screw her in said ways in the future, the coder had his hands full doing a lot of research and trial. This also ties into the next major post that we will be floating this month discussing in detail the new combat direction VoidBound will be taking moving forward. All in all, it was a hectic week for balancing but we're happy to report that internal ALPHA testing of the new changes are already underway. Bugs, be gone!

And that is all they wrote. Next week, devs will be taking a close look on some interesting bounties, crafting lore for a new character and tanking some very unruly bosses. Until then however, we'll take your leave and wish you well ^_^ /

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team



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