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“I am not a woman. I am an inferno, a tempest. I am hell in high heels.” - Vas

Hi again folks o/

It's the final stretch of the month and our "slow but sure" ship is gliding towards its impending patch release. When would that be, you ask? I wish I could get a clear answer for your but, for now at least, all I get out of our tight lipped team is a menacingly low pitched growling. In the interest of self preservation, lets change gears and go over our progress of the week.

The long haul of animating Henosis's various district signs, has finally concluded. I've been told by the artist that it was a fun experience but for some reason, the programmer is crouched in the corner mumbling something about "optimization nightmares". Concerning? Meh.. I'm sure he will be fine. Moving on, the new side quests we mentioned earlier in the month are now close to full implementation. Of-course nothing ever concludes smoothly but that is the BugBound life.

Old code continues to receive new restoration touches, from unique skills now gated behind prerequisite requirements to detailed weapon mod re-balancing. Finally, we had a breakthrough in the BGM side of things, but... eh, the progress report will fill you in on all the "buts".

That about sums it up for this month. Plans are underway to improve upon the progress reports without disrupting the quality of work being invested into VoidBound. To that affect, a few ideas have already been brainstormed and finalized for the next month and we're looking forward to showcasing them to you.

Till then, stay safe o/


Cursed Atelier Team



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