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"That's what I'll be. A silhouette, rarely seen, and yet giving the ignored, existence." 

Greetings folks o/

                Week 3 of our labors bring forth, fashion! Well fashion and a few other things but extraterrestrial vogue perked up the majority of the team curiosity. The plan was to showcase various outfits in this report but the powers above came to the conclusion that it's too vibrant a concept to be simply presented as a static image and thus, would be reserved until an animated report is green lit. 

Apologies but, for now, lay your eyes on our recently finished silhouette design for various NPCs inhabiting the Voidverse. We've more we want to share on this and we will in a separate post down the line. Other than that, this week mostly ensued revisiting old codeworks, bringing new balance to combat scenarios, adding more tools to Caly's arsenal and our music director playing with gun fire. Well.. not literally but..- yea, you will understand when you read the report.

That about sums this week up. As always, we appreciate your time and look forward to the next one o/


Cursed Atelier Team



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