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"Dammit, it's SPACEPORT, not Airport, you uncultured swine!" - Alpha

Hi folks o./

As the slow march of March brings forth a fresh new Summer breeze, we too usher in something, a tad bit refreshing. The progress report presentation style up until now has been a slew of bullet points accompanied by an image that would give you a static glimpse of the work in development. Though sufficient for the intent, we still felt we could do better and so decided to take it up a notch and experimented with animated media assets. The result:^ [PS: Please make sure to crank the video quality to highest if the report defaults to low resolution foggy. Never trust the auto setting! :S]

Considering this is our first stab at the concept, we sincerely hope you'd forgive the less than stellar outcome this time. It was a major struggle balancing video quality and reasonable file size in order to make sure the report didn't bloat into the realm of unreasonable. Fortunately, we learned a lot playing with this new idea and hopefully, based on the feedback, we will refine and streamline this concept further in order to showcase much more detailed variations in the future.

Finally, we've a special announcement. Something that we will go in much more detail next time as the occasion itself warrants a post of its own. Till then, stay tuned!

Regards o/

Cursed Atelier Team


VoidBound March Update #10

March #10 Report


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