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  • Xaide May 2021.mp4



Hi everyone, it's time for another progress report! We are glad to report that things have been moving at a steady pace: most of the character standing arts have been completed, writing for the Xaide H events are all done and waiting to be implemented, and various gameplay features such as new animations and combat overhaul are well on their way to the finish line. All in all, we are making considerable progress on the Xaide update. And while we sadly cannot give you a precise date yet, we feel confident in saying that the update will arrive within the next couple of months.

And that's all we have to report this month. To make up for the brevity, please check the attachment for a video showcase of one of the Xaide maps! It's still WIP obviously, but most of the lightning and water animations have already been implemented. Please enjoy!

Net Imp



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