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Hi all!

Last month we hosted a Q&A session on our Discord server. And as promised, we are posting all the questions and answers from the session for you to read about now. Please enjoy!

[Q/A Live]

01) Will Mitsu have lots of cute moments?

  • There will be lot of cute moments.

02) Will there be N.U.N.S?

  • No, there won't be N.U.N.S. But there will be a nun.

03) Will Caly work in a confessional then?

  • Sadly no.

04) What tools do writers use when they write upcoming stories?

  • One of the lead writers use LibreOffice which later on gets automatically synced to GoogleDrive thereby making it easy to share concept around with the team with minimal manual effort.

05) What is Caly's favorite sex position?

  • She's pretty wholesome honestly. Headcanon would be she really enjoys missionary. Kinda bland, but she has simple tastes.

06) When is Caly's birthday and what is her blood type?

  •  Unknown.

07) What are Caly's measurements?

  • Depends on our artist's mood.

08) What school did Caly attend as a child?

  • A School on Mars.

09) Does Caly have a childhood friend?

  • Of course. However, Caly has always kinda been a bit of a loner. She wasn't that close with work colleagues or military cohorts tbh. She's a sigma, a lone wolf. She likely did have people she was close with growing up. And the rest you'll just have to find out for yourself.

10) What kind of flowers does Caly like?

  • Colourful ones.

11) Is there going to be a cameo or crossover of characters from collaborated works? For example, maybe the lead of Future Fragments?

  • Perhaps... there is something in the works... so, maybe? Time will tell.

12) Plans for a future art stream?

  • Hard to say, the current work load is quite heavy. Once that part is over we'd have a better idea if we can do it again.

13) Is Caly a self insert of Candiru? Or does Candiru just live vicariously through Caly?

  • Candiru: No Comments. 
  • Blacky: Not going to lie. I probably project a little too much of myself into the character when writing. Fortunately we have editors and other writers to catch when I do it. The way I write is I put myself in her position. How I would react in such a situation. It helps me clarify my writing flow and figure out some semblance of structure during draft. That's not to say she is me. We're both very different. She's a lot more bubbly and optimistic for example.

       I however, am a better cook.

14) Would it be possible to have a robot clone of Caly capture and imprison the real Caly in her own room and pose as her for an unspecified length of time?

  • Candiru: Can't say that will happen.
  • Blacky: It's funny you touched on that. We don't have that exact idea planned but...   *deep thinking face*

15) Will there be an ending where Caly denounces sex and rightfully return to our lord and savoir?

  • Probably no.

16) Can Caly become the Emperor? And lead the human kind into the better future?

  • Blacky: No... I'd like to avoid ripping something off like that. However, if it was to happen,  I'd be using something like the Mass Effect Citadel DLC as the blueprint for it.

17) Is Caly tanned? Or is that her normal skin color?

  •  It's her natural skin colour.

18) Will there be Caly "interrogating others"?

  • Possibly.

19) High School Caly when?

  • Already happened.

20) Bunny Caly when?

  • Already happened as well. Peruse our Twitter to check them all out!

21) How about glowing genitals?

  • A big CAPITAL: N O

22) What about wearing a skirt with glowing toys inserted? 

  • No.

23) Could we expect some hardcore elements like nipple piercing, navel piercing etc. in the future?

  • We will see...

24) What's Caly's ethnicity?

  • Martian

25) What's her business plan for the future?

  • Not decided yet.

26) Candiru, at what point did it occur to you: hmm I should become a porn game dev and put together a team for smut content?

  • While I was employed at another Eroge company.

27) As an indie company, do you feel everything is going like you wanted it to? You work so hard for your goal, is this what you envisioned it to be? And how do you feel making it come alive?

  • Sadly, things seldom go as planned. No media in history has ever gone the way people wanted or expected. Things change. We just learn to adapt.

28) How much of the game have you "locked in" so far? I assume the plot is set and the scenes are all decided and stuff?

  •  Blacky: Okay so currently, we know where we want to arrive at. We haven't figured out the minutiae of the journey, how we're getting there. What little pit stops there will be. We're pretty close, but there's still a lot of work to be done. Speaking personally, until I'm happy with where we're at.

29) Wait if the scenes aren't set in stone.... Then I can give stupid suggestions and they'd still have a chance?!

  • Indeed. Though of course, it would be up to us to decide whether or not to take your suggestion. Still, we encourage all our fans to pen their ideas liberally :)

30) We've seen that there's a "Bad ending" with the final fight in the robot level. Are there any more planned later down the line?

  • Indeed! There will be multiple endings scattered throughout the story!

31) So more bad endings?

  • Among all kinds of endings, yes.

32) Will there be a scene where Caly will get captured and used as a breeding slave?

  • Keep your eyes peeled, for that possibility is possible.

33) Question to devs individually: When did you all begin learning your tricks of the trade, and how did you all meet for the creation of this game?

  • Candiru: Started with fan translating and afterwards worked at an eroge company and started this project. Pretty much everything was self taught.
  • Net Imp: I previously worked at an eroge company and learned from scratch.
  • Blacky: I started as a journalist, funnily enough. For a number of years. Something happened in 2014 and I got involved in the creation of a website. It kinda spiraled off from there tbh. I got into VNs like Fate, Starless, Space Pirate Sarah, Snatcher, and the rest is history.
  • iO: Self taught. LonerPrime found me on the net and introduced me to Candiru.
  • Dr. Dhoom: Self taught. Started doing messing with RPG Maker VX for fun in high school. Kept learning after that while working as graphic designer until 2017 where I became a full time programmer.

34) Curious to know why the downtown area was so laggy when it first launched? Too many assets? Shaders?

  • Dr. Dhoom: Too many lightings and the previous rendering framework has some issue with the shader.
  • Candiru: Outdated NWJS in the first release, was possibly the culprit as well.

35) Are there plans or implementations for an internal view (X-Ray) of the H-scenes?

  • We have our eyes on the concept and haven't discounted it out, but as far priority goes, it's on the backburner.

36) Are there any more Voidbound doujins planned/in the works?

37) To the reds except the boss: Is Candiru a good CEO? Do you feel appreciated and good about working for him?

  • Net Imp: *checks calendar - not the pay day yet* Yes, yes he is.
  • iO: *Silently ignores the question*
  • Blacky: He is pretty laid back and chill. We talk and play games semi regularly. In voice he's a lot less stern. If not in voice, he is subject to the Candiru effect; in that he seems more serious and stern in text than he does in person.
  • Dr. Dhoom: Yes.

38) Would there be a "Submit" button to end the battle?

  • It already exists. Just hit the last option and Caly would surrender, giving you the defeat scene.

39) Will there be exhibitionist content in the game?

  • Not planned but we are open to the idea if the concept and time permits it.

40) Will Caly be subjected to BDSM/forced toy(anal beads, mouth widener etc.) play?

  • Time will tell :)

41) New Discord Emojis soon?

  •  When we get the time to make more, then yes.

42) Any chance to introduce corruption elements into VoidBound?

  • Negative. The current system is in line with our vision and we don't want to mess with it by introducing an anomaly that might create new complications. The classic corruption system just won't do. We do however have other similar plans...

43) Will there be more big fancy guns?

  • Indeed!

44) Will we be able to attack enemies in a sexual way?

  • Not planned atm.

45) Would you consider such a concept?

  • We did already. But we came to the conclusion that such an attack system doesn't suit her character lore at all.

46) How many lovers can Caly have in total?

  • As many as we want there to be.

47) More outfit options for Caly?

  • Absolutely. Many more are planned in the coming few patches.

48) Would like to have Caly run around in her birthday suit.

  • Suit exists already. We just have it disabled at this stage.

49) Naked Glowin-

  • NO!!

50) Can I have lewds of the devs? Specifically hand holding?

  • Denied. Too intimate. Unless you are the NSA. Then you already have our lewds, you perverts!

[Q/A ends]

And that's all the questions from the Q&A! If you missed the last session and haven't joined our Discord server yet, do so now so you can participate in the next one! Thank you again for all who asked the questions, and we'll see you soon in the next Q&A session!



