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Hi everyone,

One more week left before VoidBound makes its Early Access debut on STEAM! 🎉 Are you excited? Cause we are both nervous and excited!

But before that, lets discuss this week's highlights:


Navigation just got easier! We've implemented a new map guide screen to help you traverse the dungeon pathway with confidence. No longer will you be lost seeking for quests in the dark 📍

Our colossal robot main boss is now fully operational! Both the battler and in-map sprite are complete and ready for combat deployment.

Similarly, all assets for the mini-boss battles, including cut-ins and combat standing art, have been rendered and exported into the game proper.

Finally, we've also fine-tuned various Tripteen battlers based on invaluable tester feedback, ensuring an even more visually impactful battle encounter. Prepare for some epic showdowns.


This week, our writers have been addressing text issues identified during early testing, refining older scripts to ensure they seamlessly integrate with the latest content 🥸

We're excited to announce that the outline for the final scene in the Tripteen update is now underway. Our goal is to conclude the arc with a spectacular finale. Stay tuned— it won't be long now!


Lastly, thanks to our testers, we've been extensively balancing and tweaking the game to enhance playability and overall enjoyment.

We've also implemented innovative combat mechanics for the new Warden mini-boss, adding a fresh layer of challenge to the gameplay. 🤩

To improve functionality and ensure compatibility across a wide range of systems, we've made significant performance updates so the game runs smoothly on as many devices as possible 🖳

And to end on a surprise note, brace for a last minute addition of a new H-scene! Details? Stay tuned to find out!


And that is for this one. Thank you again for your continued support and enthusiasm.

Until next time!

Cursed-Atelier Team

Wishlist Us @ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2500710/VoidBound/



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