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Greetings, Intrepid Void Explorers!

We're thrilled to share with you all that after years of hard work and dedication, VoidBound has passed STEAM's review process with flying colors!

This marks a significant milestone in the development journey of our game as the game will now move into Early Access with the latest version available on May 24th! 

What is Early Access? 

Steam Early Access is a precursor stage that allows players to access and play games that are still in development. It's a unique opportunity for you to experience VoidBound firsthand, provide feedback, and be part of shaping its final version.

Brief Overview of the Game and The Upcoming Update: 

For those who might be new to our community, VoidBound is a cosmic tale centered around Caly, a wayward Engineer forced to reckon with the realities of extra terrestrial lifeforms. Pulled into a strange galaxy, Caly must fight to survive against hostile aliens, sultry bounty hunters and more as she tries to find a way to find her path in her new extraordinary circumstances.

Envisioned at the dawn of 2020, VoidBound is a sci-fi RPG saga that that has gone through multiple revisions overtime. While the fundamental concept and story direction has largely remained unchanged, the graphics and game-play elements have been renewed and remade extensively.

Which brings us to the latest update that will go live on Steam and here on Patreon! 

So, what will be new and what has changed?

  • Explore the Revamped Tripteen Dungeon: Embark on a thrilling odyssey through the completely overhauled Tripteen dungeon, now featuring a fresh layout, new challenges, and an engaging narrative filled with rich lore.

    Prepare to delve deeper into its mysterious depths and encounter unique enemies!

  • Revamped Combat Mechanics: Discover new combat mechanics that add depth and excitement to battles. And yes, skills for both the player and enemy.

  • Enhanced Tutorials: Experience fresh lessons with new intuitive tutorials, including a overhauled combat tutorial, to help you master the aforementioned new mechanics.

  • New Cut-In Display: Immerse yourself in the action with a new cut-in display feature that enhances new combat visuals, and yes again, they are of the very naughty variety.

  • Improved Loot System: Enjoy an enhanced loot system that rewards exploration and combat prowess, if you throw it down on the regular. If not..

  • Introducing the Knockout System: Not a fan of brawl all the time? Not a problem! Introducing the new knockout system that will allow you to make quick work of random trash.. at the cost of less loot.

We will put out more details on the eve of the Release.

What's Next?

At the forefront, we want to reassure both our current and former patrons that if their total support for our game has reached the $20 mark, there is no need for them to purchase the Early Access offering separately.

In fact, leading up to the Early Access release, we will be sending out a Google Form to each of you here on patreon, allowing you to indicate your preferred platform flavor, whether it's a STEAM key, an ITCH key, or a compressed folder format link. We will then follow up with you accordingly to ensure you receive access to the Early Access version of the game in your preferred format.

Launching VoidBound on Steam has always been our primary goal, and we are thrilled to have reached this pivotal milestone. Our commitment to improving VoidBound remains steadfast—we will continue to follow our roadmap and elevate the game along its intended path.

For those who are still on the fence, you too can play a vital role in shaping the future of VoidBound. By purchasing the Early Access version on Steam, you not only support our development efforts but also gain the opportunity to contribute directly to the game's evolution.

Thank You!!

On a final note, we'd like express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for believing in VoidBound and supporting our team through this journey. Your faith and enthusiasm is invaluable, to us and we can't wait to find out how it all unfolds as we near the finish line.

Let's embark on this final stretch, together.

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

Wishlist Us @ https://tinyurl.com/voidboundgame



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