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"I was just following orders" was not considered a valid excuse for committing crimes at Nüremberg, and it still isn't. Never was, in my opinion.




Remember that one of the nicknames for the National Security Agency was "Never Say Anything". They were monitoring the 9/11 team for months before they struck, and never bothered to tell the FBI, who were monitoring the US side, that the NSA had both sides of the conversations over the sat phones. The odds are non-trivial that OMA and Bedlam don't talk. And obviously some oligarch has suborned at least part of Bedlam's management. Woe unto him.


Since Max was present and heard what was going on, what's the over/under that Maincom is about to get some orders to infiltrate Bedlam and find out whodunit.

Paul Lenoue

Pretty sure OMA would rally the troops when they learn of Bedlam's attempt to grab one of their agents. This will give Karno a good excuse to introduce more supers and villains.


I can't help but picture them reaching Bedlam and it's just a smoking crater with Savage standing on a tiny little unexploded pillar in the center going. "You won't believe the day I've had!" ^^