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Yep, I'm posting a little late in the day. Mainly because of the restaurant brunch I attended to celebrate Mitch Beiro's birthday. He starts chemo for his everywhere-but-his brain-and-bone-marrow cancer tomorrow. Sure hope there will be more birthdays for him....

Meanwhile, our vixen has a big heart - especially when it comes to riding on big dicks.



Major Matt Mason

Tell 'im the other Mitch says hello and happy birthday.

Sashi Williams

*soft grins * one or two of my furs want to try that boob machine.. where's the unit that has the self locking cuffs that cinch shut 10 seconds before the machine's timer fully goes online..mm? Ya know the one.. the "Self service" unit for when the doc is busy with other customers.. < innocent smile > He can come by and check up on us in about a hour or two...

Hell Ray

She'll be using Moldas bra at this rate.

David Noneya

Say hi from Expandranon! I lost track of Beiro when he vanished from FA. Didn't know that was his actual name!

Perfesser Bear

Definitely some satisfied customers!