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Most of the magicians were gathered in the stronghold, but not quite all.




Laura, make your life easy - see if the golem can point you to a "Learn English Fast" spell. Just be careful about the exact nature of the spell, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RcrRRlKTUM


Oh 'household' I wonder if that implies family. O.O Could Mink be a distant descendant of Arkano just as Berecki had his? :D And still half-expecting to see something like a portrait of a bunch of mages and one of them looks suspiciously like Savage and when questioned the golem says something like. "Yes *click* that is *pop* Exploisimo. *whir* The strongest *click* battle mage *tink* of his *pop* age." And Mink is all. "Well, I'm most definitely never ever going to let Savage know this." ^^;

David Noneya

How did the thieves get past the golem?


The living quarters and the workshops are carved into two different mountain peaks. The door between them failed 516 years ago, trapping the golem in the living quarters. So when the thieves looted the workshops, there was nothing to stop them. But when they went to loot the living quarters, the golem killed them and threw their helicopter into a ravine. Mink re-started the warp-door, so now the golem is back in the workshops after a 516 year absence.

A Patreon of the Ahts

Great, now she gets to inspect desiccated corpses. What fun.