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I love this page. A jest in every panel!

(I had it as "a g a g in every panel", and got the "We have detected p*rnographic content in your submission!" warning. Patreon's anti-pron algorithm is quite poorly written.)




You have a problem in recognizing text patterns. You decide to solve it with a regex. You now have two problems. (regex - regular expression, a form of programming for finding patterns in text, often used incorrectly for finding "naughty words").

Garry Stahl

Boy is HE easy. What would he have done for a look at a fiver?


Wow, looks like your wording sound effect shaker spilled a bit? XD

Perfesser Bear

A Pound-Hound! I still contend that Mr. Karno learned English from Don Martin and <b>MAD Magazine</b>.


Oh yeah. Best character ever. We need more like Morlock, he's a fun one. ^^ &lt;3