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Lester's laugh is genuine. The notion that he'd betray Reacher, soil his badge, is so ridiculous that he finds it genuinely hilarious.



Kenneth Chisholm

Oh boy, I hope Reacher's a light sleeper and heard that laugh...

Major Matt Mason

Nice knowing you guys. Not really, but you get the idea. ;D


Noting the "crik" of the chair as Lester flexes his wrist, it's likely weak enough that his strength can rip the legs right off even from that position . . . he just needs the right distraction to throw them off balance for the few seconds it'll take. And with that loud laugh, even if Reacher is worn from being hammered in the vest, his senses are sure to pick that up and snap him to alert. So now it's just a matter of what move "life" will play to set things in motion.

Perfesser Bear

I doubt these dumbasses will walk out of there alive.


Almost makes me hope Whiskey survives this recognizing when it isn't worth the bother smacking someone about. >.> Smart goons are hard to find.