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You never forget the first time you kill someone with a machine gun.



Sashi Williams

Yea.. it is kinda "one of those things that stick with ya..." or so I've heard from a few beloved gun nuts I regularly associate with.. (( Present Karno Company included of course.. *winks* )) I hope Rictor can talk her down from having troubled sleep with it... He'll be subtle... he's good at subtle..

Perfesser Bear

My girlfriend is a psychoanalyst. She counseled her roommate's brother's wife after she mustered out of the Marines. She had to do some things she'll never forget, but at least she doesn't wake up screaming any more.


I've never killed anyone, but I've *seen* someone blow their own head off. Actual death is far more impactful than fictional ones. It does hit you hard and sticks with you.

Kenneth Chisholm

Just remember Lady, he was trying to kill you as well...