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While I'm uptight and outa sight, let's you and him fight!

   There's a thought: Anybody got a cool super-villain for hire I can borrow?




He just hasn't learned the key lesson: when you are in a hole and want out, first stop digging in deeper.

Garry Stahl

When you don't have a the whole picture. Also, hiding in something you clearly own is not hiding. Find a cheap hotel in Bangladesh and pay cash.

Major Matt Mason

https://www.furaffinity.net/view/6135491/ How about a crazy renegade Temporal Corps agent who's also dead sexy?

Paul Lenoue

Weren't you going to make me a villain in this world? I'd take the job for ice cream, especially cocktail sorbets.

Paul Lenoue

Not entirely true. There have been cases of rich bastards taking their yachts to foreign countries where they could bribe officials to register their boat under a different name or ownership. In fact, one such rich idiot was caught recently after four years of remaining hidden because he posted a selfie on his boat to brag about how clever he was to avoid prosecution, with two very recognizable landmarks in the background which allowed the feds to triangulate and pinpoint the exact berth where he was docked.

Sashi Williams

I would be happy to loan you one or two of my own hon.. but trouble is, they're both " a little bit raunchy"... it might not be the kind of supervillain you're looking for right now.. but still, the offer is there.. and I give it happily!! https://www.furaffinity.net/view/8457621/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/34148661/


My brothers engineer "Monsters" for to set loose on Power Teams as a hobby . . . and they head up the underworld on their home turf to keep things "in line" . . . but I wouldn't get into a contract with them lightly . . . they like raising hell and causing chaos for the fun of it, but they do have some standards that makes them more like Anti-heroes that just don't pick sides. They might take his deal for a while, but if they find a better prospect with Jack and Savage, they'll fry the fat boy themselves just to enjoy the smell of his "Baked Bear" cooking. Besides you'd need Mink and Max together on the team just to level the playing field with those 5. What can I say, when I design characters I always go over the top.


Any fem fatale sounds great but might end up against savage. A bad end for the villain as he is quite merciless. Might not be a good idea

Perfesser Bear

There occasionally comes a point in an evildoer's life where suicide is a viable option. IIRC, a couple of the Mink's opponents took that route.


Funniest thing would be if the 'help wanted' for a super villain to take out Happy Jack were spotted by Savage Squirrel who was able to come up with just enough of a disguise to get the job. *laughs* ^^


Being on a boat just means there's a very long and clear line of sight to where you are -:)


Hmm.. What about a knock off version of "the plague" from "hobo with a shotgun"?