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Jan is no hoplophobe. But she's not a killer, and just isn't much into guns.



Kenneth Chisholm

I wonder what Savage would think of Babylon 5's PPGs? As JMS said, "Stun settings are for those afraid to commit."


Plus the fact that PPG's actually BURN! Burns are among the most painful type of injury, getting hit will most likely incapacitate you from the pain alone, then factor in the injury on top of it.

Garry Stahl

Conversely stun settings mean never saying you're sorry. In policing they should be mandatory.


There are no "non-lethal" options. There are "less likely to be lethal, but still possible" options. Tasers can and have killed. A "magical" stun option that never does any harm to anybody is a fantasy - rendering somebody unconscious is never without risk in and of itself, let alone what happens when somebody is "stunned" while operating a motor vehicle, or while in a precarious position, or any number of other circumstances. I am NOT saying that less likely to be lethal options are bad - quite the contrary, I do wish they were more available and more often used. But I don't want people to forget that death is always a possible outcome; so how about we Use Our Words and de-escalate away from needing to be hostile as our first choice?


I just noticed a glaring omission in Savage's bug out kit - MONEY. Being able to sneak or shoot your way out of the initial bad situation is great, but being able to then call a cab to get away is even better.

Perfesser Bear

True. Even pepper spray has been linked to several fatalities -- and I carry it myself. I've also been exposed to Chemical MACE and I've been hit with a stun gun multiple times. Sucks being the biggest guy in the Self Defense class.

Paul Lenoue

Hmmmmm... what would you call the irrational fear of _not_ having a firearm? There are some people out there who have panic attacks when there isn't a gun within easy reach.


Jan could maybe be the first to perfect the electrolaser in her world? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolaser


I can't recall what the movie title was but it was sci-fi with bullets that were tipped with a little shock prongs. Red electricity would just switch the brain off, putting it into a permanent catatonic state, green electricity would switch the brain back on. So this way they could still have a scene where a 'cop', who in the setting were literally just bounty hunters, could unload a minigun in a crowded bar but TECHNICALLY kill no one. Really funny watching him have to go to everyone in that bar with the police lawyer guy. ZAP! "Hi, sorry I dropped you. Please sign this payout form for your troubles." *handprint* ZAP! "Hi, sorry I dropped you." Etc. ^^;

Travis Sebastian

With that reference to Star Trek in that last panel, I'm wondering what species Shatner, Nemoy, Kelly, and so on would be in this world.


"Non-lethal" is just another tool in the box, and every tool has its uses.