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There was a lot of pain backed up behind the dam that the Mink just released.



Vawkis Silverfall

And time for mama mink mode, cause nothing quite like a mothers shoulder to cry into

Eric Adler

I forget where I heard this, think it was from a movie, but is seems very appropriate: "Puncture wounds are the worst, they can push the bad stuff deep under the skin, where the body can't expel it before the wound heals over. Things look fine on the outside, but the infection is still there, under the surface, festering away. And the only cure is to tear the wound open again and let it bleed out all the puss and junk." Mink just tore open some old(for Toy's age), deep wounds, there's going to be a lot of metaphoric bleeding, and a lot of very real emotional pain, but it'll give Toy the chance to heal right this time, not just 'hide the bad stuff' deep down.

Eric Adler

I would not be surprised if the Toy we knew isn't the Toy we see after he heals up from the unburried emotional/psychic trauma. I can't even bring myself to keep calling him 'Toy' after this, 'Toy' was an emotionally stunted, spiritually brutalized plaything that considered sex and seduction to be all there was to life, who we meet after all the pain and crying may be somebody completely different, someone who is no longer seeing sex as 'just something,' who fully understands the pain and humiliation of his slave life, and the pleasure of fucking a willing partner. It may be a while before Toy- no, that name feels wrong, I'll go with Toby, it does not sound like a 'slave name'- It may be a while before Toby is ready to open up to another person enough to have sex, or to even discover the true emotional satisfaction of making love, but now he's on the path to recovery, to be a person, not just a plaything.